
Yro (Argyro) Katsamagka

Yro (Argyro) Katsamagka

Workshop: Sensory play: A full-sense experience of learning

Email: argyrokp@gmail.com

“When pedagogy and experiential learning blend magically, the result is a teacher who has discovered the value of teaching in an authentic way and a group of children with valuable memories, life skills and positive emotions. “

My name is Yro Katsamagka and I work as a secondary school teacher as well as a designer and coordinator of experiential education programs focused on outdoor, sensory and family play.

My Bachelor Studies (Home Economics and Ecology, Harokopio University of Athens) have confirmed my love for pedagogy and teaching. My Master Studies (Outdoor Environmental Education and Outdoor Life, Linköping Universitet, Sweden), however, revealed to me a great ally of the educational process: experiential pedagogy. Since then, my professional career and research activity has been focused on it.

Workshop: Sensory play: A full-sense experience of learning

Calypso Room, Sunday 10:30-12